BSD - Sam Jones - Bikecheck

Sam Jones has a bikecheck up the BSD site, it's a rather tasty set-up indeed, based around a WZA.
Stacked full of BSD parts, you know this is street ready!!
Sam Jones’ BSD WZA frame setup:
- FRAME: Flat black BSD WZA 20.6″ frame
- BARS: Clear coat raw BSD Giraffic bars
- STEM: Polished BSD Race V2 stem
- HEADSET: BSD integrated
- FORKS: Black BSD Ghetto fork V3
- SPROCKET: Black BSD Superlite 25t
- CRANKS: Chrome BSD Substance cranks 175mm
- PEDALS: Eclat
- CHAIN: BSD Forever chain
- REAR HUB: Black BSD Back Street hub with Jersey Barrier hubguard
- REAR TIRE: Grey 2.25″ BSD Donnasqueak tyre
- REAR RIM: Eclat
- FRONT HUB: Black BSD Front Street hub with Jersey Barrier hubguards
- FRONT TIRE: Grey 2.25″ BSD Donnasqueak tyre
- FRONT RIM: Eclat
- PEGS: Cult Butter pegs
- SEAT: Brown BSD Beverage seat
- SEAT POST: Black BSD Blitzed post

“I’ve been riding the Donnasqueak tyres now for a while, and can say they’re so sick! I was running the tan walls and now onto a set of the grey beasts, just for the looks because the tan ones still have plenty of miles left in them. They have a right good squeak to them and smooth and solid on the streets and on transition. You can’t go wrong with these, nothing too fancy, which I like, and have a choice between 2.25″ and 2.4″. I’m on the 25′s. Bangs!
Since riding for BSD I’ve chosen and stuck by the WZA, for me the geometry is spot on! This time I’ve gone for the shorter 20.6″ WZA, also when slammed the back ends at 12.8″, which make manni’s and hopping slightly easier! BSD FOREVER!"
You can check out the full set of pictures and more on !