EXCLUSIVE - The Barstool Crew - Mixtape
With great honour and a fair amount of stoke, we present to you... The Barstool Crew's 2016 "Mixtape".
I've been friends with the lads for a few years now and it's been pretty cool getting to see them all progress and riding with them a couple of times a year and hearing about what they've been up had kept me waiting to see this!
Over the last two years, Mike Haran has been putting in a lot of time and effort filming the likes of Jesse Mooney, Kevin Martyn, Errol Flanagan, Dillon Haran and Blake Jinks as they've marauded the west coast of Ireland (and beyond) in search of spots.
The final edit is the reward for all their hard work and it has paid off.
Seeing the lads pulling moves on set-ups they've been talking about for a long time is deadly. Easily their best video to date, check this out. Seeing a healthy Irish BMX scene doing their own thing is a treat for sure.