
The boardroom bmx and skate


Bio and background






TBR, Team Manager

Your set up

Fit Mac 21.125" frame and an assortment of Eclat, Animal and BSD parts make up my current bike.

Top five spots

Greystones skatepark, Barcelona, Unit23, Dublin city and Lyon.

Top five riders/skaters

Ruben Alcantara, Chase Hawk, Dennis Enarson, Edwin Delarosa, Van Homan.

Why you ride/skate

I've been riding Bmx for 20 years, its a huge part of my life and i've also been running the Boardroom for nearly 10 years now too. I still get a really great feeling every time I get out on my bike and pushing myself to learn something new or to go higher than the last time is probably as close to a reason why as its ever been.

See them in action



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